
These listings are sourced from Curricunet, and some courses may not be offered every semester. For additional information, contact the academic department, speak with 咨询 或者参考电流 课程表 and College 目录.

FILM 9 - 电影 Production Colloquia    ( 1.00 -单位)
Explorations in DV film production and 演讲. Analysis of skills acquired through production assistance including 研究, 预算, 许可证, 许可, 释放, 位置侦察, 电影船员, 后期制作, 市场营销, 放映, 节日, 或者是这些的组合.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. Analyze and evaluate 市场营销 strategies for film
  2. 出版一部电影
  3. Demonstrate mastery of skills in production assistance (研究, 预算, 许可证, 侦察, 筛选)

FILM 12 - Screenwriting and Visual Storytelling    ( 3.00 -单位)
A course where students write for film and electronic media. Emphasis on preparing scripts in proper formats, including fundamental technical, conceptual and stylistic issues related to writing fiction and non-fiction scripts for informational and entertainment purposes in film and electronic media.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. Write scripts for various media industries using film industry standard tools enlisting artistic principles, story stucture production principles;
  2. critically analyze the story 结构 of film and animation using appropriate 术语 in a critique environment;
  3. practice professional methods for production document creation, 脚本修改, 文件存储, 演讲, 和分析.

FILM 14 - Introduction to Cinematic Arts    ( 3.00 -单位)
Introduces the analysis of film and animation aesthetics. Examines form and content, aesthetics and meaning, and history and culture of film and animation. Explores the diverse possibilities presented by the cinematic art form through an examination of a wide variety of productions, 电影院, 电影运动. Topics include modes of production, narrative and non-narrative forms, 视觉设计, 编辑, 声音, 类型, ideology and critical analysis.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. Develop and pitch a film proposal.
  2. Demonstrate and understanding of script formats for film and other visual media.
  3. Explain the role and influence of audiences, 客户, 分销商, and studio executives during pre-production.

FILM 15 - Introduction to Digital 电影making    ( 3.00 -单位)
Introduction to digital filmmaking as an artistic medium through lectures, 放映, 示威活动, 以及实践实习. Critical analysis and appreciation of production elements and development of skills in pre-production planning, 数码摄影, 演员方向, 声音设计, 艺术指导, 和后期制作.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. identify and describe the purpose of pre-production materials covered in the course
  2. identify and explain the roles of various digital video film production crew positions
  3. demonstrate a basic comprehension of film techniques and artistic choices through production assignments

FILM 16 - Documentary 电影making    ( 3.00 -单位)
Introduction to documentary filmmaking and current techniques of digital documentary including, 声音, video and mixed media documentary. 故事基本知识, 研究, 结构, objective/subjective approach, 录音, 拍摄设置, 面试, 还有粗制滥造的剪辑.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. Create a documentary film using industry standard tools enlisting artistic principles, story 结构 and film production principles;
  2. critically analyze the elements and principles of documentary film using appropriate 术语 in a critique environment;
  3. practice professional methods for production document creation, 媒体修正, 文件存储, 筛选, 和分析.

FILM 17 - Motion Picture 电影making    ( 3.00 -单位)
Want to be a film director and make your first short film? Then this is the course for you. This course provides an introduction to the theory, 术语, and process of motion picture production for film and television. Students will take their script, create pre-production documents, 投下你的电影, 直接的演员, 光, shoot and record audio for your first short film. Finally students will review dailies and prepare their film for post production.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. Create digital film and video using industry standard tools enlisting artistic principles, story stucture and film and animation production principles;
  2. critically analyze the elements and principles of film and animation using appropriate 术语 in a critique environment;
  3. practice professional methods for production document creation, 媒体修正, 文件存储, 筛选, 和分析.

FILM 89 - Special Studies in 电影    ( 0.50 -单位)
Individual projects in Digital Video (DV) film production at the intermediate to advanced level. Development of knowledge and skills acquired in previous or current work with emphasis on current projects involving writing, 生产, 导演, 摄影, 录音/声音设计, 照明, 艺术指导, 生产设计, 编辑, 或者是这些的组合.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. Demonstrate refinement of existing technical skills and acquisition of new skills in writing, 生产, 导演, 摄影, 录音/声音设计, 照明, 艺术指导, 生产设计, 和/或编辑.
  2. Make use of input from other people (such as instructors, 客户, and fellow students) to continually improve and refine a project as it progresses.
  3. Plan a DV film project and carry out the plan.